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Books, courses and other treatments of fundamental design give thorough attention to each of the three dimensions. But only token reference is made to "the fourth dimension", movement. This has stimulated me to explore how movement might add to the esthetics of woodturnings, and what kinetic wood art exists. There is practically none.

initial ideas and some of my earlier mobile work are described in an article, "Turning to the Fourth Dimension", in "American Woodturner" 17:36, Fall 2002. It is reproduced here.

I have developed two different small 'engines'  that can produce complex motion and be hidden within an artistic piece. One of these and associated kinetic work is published as "Slow Turntables - Put a Different Spin on Your Turned Art"  in "Woodturning Design" #13 Spring 2007 pp71-73, reproduced here.

What I have learned to date and what I see as a largely unexplored dimension in woodturning and wood art is described in “Kinetics in Woodturning: Turning to the Next Dimension” in American Woodturner Vol.27 No1 February 2012 - reproduced here.

Exploring the fundamentals of the artistic aesthetics of real motion, and determining how movement might add, or not, to the aesthetics of a piece of wood art continues to intrigue me. You may click on the albums below to see the articles.


         Turning to the fourth dimension                             Slow Turntables                                       Kinetics in Woodtirning